I delivered this speech one hour ago in Bonn International Toastmasters Club. At the end of the speech, together with the round of applause from the-always-supporting people in Toastmasters, I felt so nostalgic of my FUNtastic time with my previous boss, Pawan Patil, in the World Bank Office Jakarta. I would like to share the speech with you--readers.
Back then in July 2009, we never had the chance to throw Pawan a farewell party. But, I've always wanted to have the honor to convey this speech to him!
In the beginning, I asked the Host of the evening to inform the following to the audience:
"For Steisi's speech, I would like to briefly introduce the context. We are all Steisi's colleagues at work, in World Bank Office Jakarta. This afternoon is a farewell party to Steisi's Boss and our colleague, Pawan Patil, a senior economist and a committed advocate of Youth Issues in the office. Pawan finished his term after 5 fantastic years in Indonesia. He will start a new journey in Doha, Qatar, Middle East Region."
So, here’s the text of my prepared speech (I was delivering the speech without notes):
Wonderful colleagues and friends,
This is not an easy afternoon. I say I prefer one of those busy working days, staying up late in the office, finalizing PowerPoint presentations or policy papers for early meeting with government people//
Why is this not an easy afternoon? Because I have to stand here and address 3 people: My boss, my life mentor, and my good friend. All with the same name: Pawan Patil//
Pawan, when people ask me why I am working in the field of youth development and why I’m so passionate about it, I will tell them it’s your fault!//
It’s because two years ago, there was someone named Pawan Patil, a huge believer in Youth issues, who welcomed me in his team in this office. Back then, I was just finishing my studies in Food Technology, but you spotted that flickering fire in my eyes, that youth energy in me, and my longing to work in the field of development//
You set the bar high in my expectation for future bosses. You are very articulate and your enthusiasm is contagious. I have never remembered leaving your office without feeling excited and motivated to ‘get-going’, to do some action, to get the work done. You brought me to various meetings, even to those high-level meetings, and you introduce me to people. You successfully brought President Martti Ahtisaari on board for our Youth Employment project. You invited me to join meeting wih him! As a young person who is starting my career in the field of development, that means a lot! You welcome critical feedback and you gave me this wonderful advice that I will never forget:
“Steisi, at any time, in those meetings, projects, or events, always think: “How can I do this differently? How can I do this better?”
You are my life mentor. You are a big champion of work-life balance and life-long learning. You put family first! In any stressful situation, I witnessed you picking up those phone calls from your kids, with a cheerful tone. Whenever appropriate, you shared that you are a big fan of your wife and that she is the engine that keep you moving! You were a great supporter of my dream to go to grad school. I still remember that one evening after I got admitted to a grad school, we were sitting in front of the computer screen sending emails to scholarship foundations… and one month later we were talking over the phone literally screaming in joy because they accepted my application! At that time you said:
“Steisi, continue doing that in your future life: do your homework, think strategically, and ask people specifically what they can do to help you. People would love to be part of your endeavor.“
You are a good friend. You are fun to hang out with! We always had fun discussions and creative ideas over lunches or coffee times… One time we submitted this creative idea for an IT competition and we got third prize!! You invited me for a Christmas dinner with your family and we had nice-flowing conversations//
Pawan, all of us here are excited with your new journey in the Middle East region. The region has a huge challenge of Youth Unemployment and you have decided to take that challenge! It is a big loss on our side, but, I would like to see it in the way that the other part of the world needs you… Your energy, enthusiasm, and expertise in the field of youth development//
I can never thank you enough for the most inspiring 2 years of my life. All I can do is paying it forward. In my dictionary the word Goodbye does not exist, only ‘see you later’. So, see you later Pawan, my boss, my life mentor, and my friend//
End of speech