However, I am quite amazed with the fact that the country went so far as to inventing a basketball exercise for cyclists! This invention is called ‘blikvanger.’
Blikvanger is a trash bin for cyclists on the move. With google translate, it literally means ‘eye-catcher’ or ‘tin-can-catcher.’ Indeed, its shape—like a giant bug-net or a big metal cone—would catch the eye of a passerby. Moreover, the wide diameter of its opening make it a comfortable aim for throwing soda-can or other ‘throw-able’ trash while cycling.

A lady on her bicycle throwing an empty bottle to the blikvanger (picture is taken from here)
My Dutch friends told me that blikvanger is a creative approach to prevent littering. For example, Dutch students like to drink something as they cycle to or from school. Approaching the school, they can throw the packaging into the blikvanger. Throwing trash becomes an easy and fun activity. Of course, sometimes they missed, but at least now the trash are concentrated on one area.
As for me, I used it to improve my basketball and cycling skills. Every now and then, I throw things (cans, used bottles, or last part of an apple) into the blikvanger in front of the Pantarijn High School, which is close to my student house in Asserpark. By doing this, I polish my basketball shooting skill and my ability to cycle with one hand--“Two points!”