Would he make use his time better without unnecessary juvenile delinquency, drugs, and hours of laziness after experiencing that time is the one thing that is constantly moving forward no matter which direction he goes?
Would she avoid ignorance and instead pour out love to her mother after experiencing being a mother herself: carrying a child in her womb for nine months, restraining the pain of giving birth, devoting every single minutes of her life in rising up and educating the child of her own?
Would he be desperate and decide to end his life as soon as possible after experiencing that he will only be a scavenger, a criminal, a broken home victim?
Would she be loony and break every single rules and limitations after experiencing a short life, being killed in an arrogant civil war?
Based on that assumption, there is a need to frequently isolate ourselves from the rush. Trying hard to remember the whole sketch of our previous live and identify the false lines. And even though we are not successful in doing so, we will still be cautious in making upcoming decisions, words, and actions.
I imagine what if a person was given a chance to live his or her life till the end and then experience it again for the second time. Would he be find more richness as soon as possible after experiencing that he will be a rich man? Would she remind to charity to poor people after she experience that she will still rich until the end of her life?
ego is a person's best friend; and a person's worst enemy. most of the times, you just can't tell the difference.
those who can see the difference are those who live their present lives to the fullest. and they will never craved for a second chance or a second life, because to them, the present lives seem as perfect as it can be, and they are happy for "the now" within them.
@daniel: it will be marvelous if that person choose to do both options and find a good balance :)
@hanny: that's another great point of view to look at! "live to the fullest" I would love to do that more than one time...
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