29 July 2008
Ukuran Maksimal
Doors are like opportunities. Understand yourself before opening, Equip yourself before entering.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
X (7:29 PM): huaaaaaaaaaaa... kenapa ya akhir2 ini aku ngrasa looser bgt
Y (7:31 PM): hah?
X (7:32 PM): bnyk hal2 yg gk bisa aku akhiri, pdhl udah aku mulai
X (7:33 PM): dan orang2 spertinya tdk bs mnerima sgala masalah yg jadi hambatanku. yg mereka percaya adalah "X itu bisa"
X (7:33 PM): kenyataannya gk selalu sperti itu
Y (7:39 PM): bertahan dan berjuang.
Y (7:40 PM): saat sdh maksimal. ikhlaskan. biarkan Tuhan yg bertindak selanjutnya.
X (7:40 PM): kalau ternyata memang tdk maksimal???
X (7:41 PM): karena aku pernah berpikir bahwa itu bukan prioritas ku lagi, sehingga aku akhiri disaat belum harus berakhir. karena aku sudah melihat tidak akan ada yg aku dapt
X (7:41 PM): tp trnyata orang2 tdk bs melihat itu
Y (7:42 PM): good point.
Y (7:42 PM): memang itu yg umumnya jd masalah.
Y (7:42 PM): ukuran maksimal kita biasanya berbeda dng ukuran org lain
Y (7:43 PM): dan hanya orang2 terdekat/sahabat kita yg bs mengerti ukuran maksimal kita
Y (7:43 PM): tapi sgt penting utk JUJUR dng definisi ukuran maksimal kita itu.
Y (7:44 PM): keep in mind: kita ga bisa buat SEMUA orang senang/puas dng upaya kita.
Y (7:45 PM): pertanyaannya: apakah kita, apakah kamu siap menghadapi kekecewaan beberapa orang itu?
Y (7:45 PM): jika jawabannya Ya, Move On.
Y (7:45 PM): jika Tidak, bertahan dan berjuang.
X (7:46 PM): ...
X (7:46 PM): thanks Y
X (7:47 PM): aku kira aku dapatkan apa yang telah gagal aku lakukan
X (7:47 PM): yaitu JUJUR tentang ukuran maksimal
X (7:47 PM): selama ini aku membohongi orang2
X (7:48 PM): mereka gak pernah tau ukuran maksimal ku... sehingga mereka berharap banyak dari apa yg sebenarnya bisa ku lakukan
Y (7:52 PM): yup, memang tdk mudah. i experienced that too
Y (7:52 PM): X, bolehkah chat kita ini ku-post di blog ku? may be useful for others...
Y (7:52 PM): anonim
X (7:53 PM): okay
X (7:53 PM): it's really great
X (7:53 PM): thanx for your help. there are still many things that i have to do
X (7:57 PM): i need to log off
X (7:57 PM): cu
Y (7:57 PM): gbu!
X (7:57 PM): GBU
X (7:57 PM): once again really thanx
X (7:57 PM): better now
Y (7:58 PM): pay it forward!
X is offline. (7:59 PM) You can send X an email
02 July 2008
I Love My Life, Do You Love Yours?
I love my life, for being able to…
Put eyeliner in my eyelid, even though I rarely make it balance between both eyelids;
Hop in to F 1546 BH every Monday morning and Friday evening, and easily be myself;
Walk out of the elevator at 13th floor, greet the security officers, take a clean glass, type in my password and start my ‘enjoyable’ work day;
Close various windows, log off, turn off the monitor and leave the office early (my definition of early) for Pilates, Yoga, Basketball, or Movie Trip;
Wake up early, realize that it’s a weekend and simply close my eyes a few hours more.
Sounds from my E51 and office phone;
Sounds and blinks from my YM and lotus notes sametime;
Black and bold phrases in my yahoo account;
Red phrases and pink highlights in my lotus notes inbox;
Tap in my shoulder and face to face conversation.
A bad haircut and realizing that a sweet sincere smile is the best ‘waterproof make up;’
Failing interviews and seeing my weakness in structuring my thoughts and words;
Stroked by a beautiful sentence “happiness is only real when shared” in the movie “Into the Wild;”
Working in a situation where youth energy infects the non-youth and non-youth wisdom transmits to the youth;
Bargaining God’s answer to my prayers and recognizing the petite heart in me.