My eyes are fine. Unfortunately, fine is not enough to value the above scene. A colleague, Indra Irnawan, was the one who wears the knowledge®-branded eyeglasses.
It was at the foot of Salak Mountain, Sukabumi-West Java. I went there with a group of 'very-fun-to-be-with' people. They are my 'we-fight-poverty-with-passion-and-professionalism' colleagues, the 'love-of-my-life' of my colleagues and a team of ‘trip consultant-assistant-cook’ from Sunburst Adventurindo. (www.sunburstadventure.com).
I took the above scene during my early-morning walk. At that time, my eyes were merely interested to capture the morning sunlight and the huge stone. My eyes weren’t wearing a pair of knowledge®-branded eyeglasses. I wasn't aware that the huge stone, the tall tree at its right side and the small stone under the tree altogether are a symbol… Yes, Scout! (in Bahasa Indonesia: Pramuka).
jadi inget masa-masa ketika mengenakan seragam coklat-coklat itu. dulu untuk mendapatkan buku saku pramuka harus menghafalkan dasadarma (eh apa saptadarma ya?) pramuka. harus ingat no gudep soalnya pas apel pasti ditanyain. sekarang malah sudah lupa ;p
@setyo: ha3x...iya coklat muda coklat tua itu. bukannya dwidarma?? aku cuma sampe pramuka siaga pas SD.
butir-butirnya ada banyak kok,lha wong dulu itu ngapalinnya ampe jumpalitan segala ;p. tapi ada satu mitos yang masih teringat sampai sekarang, bahwa dulu seorang pandu (pramuka) kalau ingin mengenakan blacu (syal pramuka) harus berbuat baik terlebih dahulu pada hari itu. setelah berbuat baik baru ia diperkenankan untuk memakai blacu. entah apakah mitos ini masih berlaku atau tidak.....
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