A : Hi B!
B : What's up now?
A : Can you give me God's cellphone number?
A : I really need to talk with Him.
A : Or, if he's busy...I can text Him.
B : Why do want to bother Him?
A : It's about life and all its mysteries.
A : I need to consult some stuff with Him.
A : I need to check whether I am at the right part of the puzzle, coz it doesn't feel like the perfect fit.
B : You think He has the answers?
A : Definitely! So, do you have His number?
B : ...
A group of friends have helped 'A' in looking up for the cellphone number. This is their first findings:

-on their way to ex mall for bee bim bap festive-
Any other luck friends?? :)
God works in mysterious ways.
Maybe He already leave a message? just remember to check your inbox often
Just dial 463 or in Indonesia 8852 or if you a muslim dial 25524. Hope its help ;p
@Berly: maybe it's in one of those unread messages...
@Setyo: really??
whenever you wanna talk to god, call 73545.
@mas mul & setyo: i got 73545 and 25524 but not yet 463 and 8852 ??
well actually the correct one is 88426 (Tuhan) sorry typo mistake, and 463 is God. By the way it is very unwise to show your friend's phone number in the picture, akan lebih baik lagi kalo no-nya "diblur" terlebih dahulu. Kecuali kamu sudah mendapat izin langsung dari temanmu itu.
@Setyo: itulah serunya. nomor itu kita temukan di trotoar di Jl.Thamrin :)
NomorNya sudah ketemu? If you have, please let me know....
sudah. menariknya nomor ini bersifat unik untuk setiap orang :) ayo setyo, u can go through it!!! *salam smangat*
really? hmmm ada f(x) nya ngga? atau mengikuti kaidah deret fibonacci? hehehe ;p
OMG I'm babbling. Thanx for the tip :)
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