31 March 2010

Pieces: try-out


Let's try out the Pieces Mission. I guess you know couple of reasons why I would like to do this mission.

You know I've always been amazed with inspirational readings or movies, for example my love in Paulo Coelho's novels. Sometimes those words have huge effect on me and really improve how I see life and how I see myself. So, I've always been wanting to be a writer as well...someday. To be able to share my thoughts with others through writings that can help other people, one way or the other...

You know I've always had this unique way of digesting events, conversations, and emotions around me. My brain is constantly working to link many things in life. Maybe that's why I often look restless and it is hard for me to stay still and relax. Well, maybe it's about time to write down those thinking, maybe it's useful, maybe not, maybe it even doesn't make any sense... but I'll never know if it's only inside my head...

You know I've always like to have something happening in my life. Organizing this, leading that, attending this, meeting with those people on this and that... Well, I guess I'm kinda loosing that hectic life here in Wageningen. And, for some reasons I chose to do that. Yes, sis, I am operating like a different Steisi here. You must have been laughing out loud if you see how I was struggling not to do anything here.. how I exercise to say NO to several offers to organize this and that. So, I guess, this Pieces Mission should be do-able and not really making myself busy (I still can exercise myself to chill and enjoy the beauty or the mystery in every minutes of life), but I still feel like doing something...

You know I've always loved you and maybe you'll be the only person in this planet whom I can be the 'real weird Steisi' (yeah... all those clumsy, funny, sad, fun moments Sis). So, I guess it's also nice to share the Pieces with the world; with whoever feel like reading our 'one and only' sistership through this Pieces Mission.

So, this is the try-out edition of the Pieces Mission. I wrote you a message on your facebook inbox about this mission. Let me know what you think about it Sis!


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