05 April 2010

Pieces #3: Breathing while Drowning


I went to Rotterdam and Delft today. It was worthwhile! Rotterdam took my breath away--the city is so full of surprises of architecture/art works! Fenni and I, we made this one liner for Rotterdam: "Tak Mau Sama (Say No to Same)."

All sort of buildings (city hall, apartment, train station, office building, museum, etc.) have their own distinguished architectural style that makes a bold statement! I say it's a heaven on earth for those passionate people on urban buildings architecture. Also, Rotterdam is a bustling city, the traffic in the big streets, reminded me a bit of Jakarta during the normal hours (not rush hour).

Delft, 15 minutes trip by train from Rotterdam, was a quiet city; probably because it was the second day of Paska and it's a national holiday! The small canals between houses/restaurants/shops reminded me a lot of Utrecht...

Well, let it be a short writing this time Sis! I'm a bit drowning with paper works and study stuff as well at the moment... I hope I can emerge and swim through these waves!


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