From a friend here in Wageningen, as we discussed about his passion for music:
Steisi: Mr.pelangi, I wrote down a couple of random thoughts and remarks I recently saw or heard from the people around me here in my Wageningen life... the temporary life I'm living in.
Steisi: Yours got number 2: "A musical friend was greeting me from behind the bar. He was tired, I was tired. He's keeping the Jam Session running because he loves music. He said *it (music) cleanses my soul!*"
Pascal: That's a good quote. But you know it's not just about music by itself. It's about making music with other people and learning to put the ego aside to create something as a whole that can not be created by yourself.
Pascal: I hope the jam session has the same positive effect on you as it has on me. As long as people keep coming and enjoy the music I'll put in my best effort to keep the Jam session going. See you soon *hugs*. Matahari!
Beautiful! If the world is a Jam Session in the way we believe in... It is a beautiful place for you and for me!
12 April 2010
11 April 2010
Pieces #4: The Test of Life
It's been quite sometimes since my last writing to you.
Spring has arrived they say, flowers are blossoming and that beautiful Cherry Blossom (white, pink, pink-red) are here in Wageningen. I had a nice walk with Astrid this afternoon to the Forest of Wageningen and on the way back we took 2 branches and they are now in my room. Their beauty is helping me to go through this test of life...

I may unable to share it with you yet about this test of life. As time goes, I'm pretty sure I will be able to unpack it better.
A friend once reminded me Sis, 'What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger' and I suppose more or less it is in line with what we've been understanding from our religion 'You will not be tempted/tested beyond what you are able.' So, I will eventually pass this test and be a better Steisi.
I feel that already now, I understand more of life. I told Ma last time on the phone, that after 24 years, I finally understand what you all (Pa, Ma, Sis) have been trying to tell me about 'taking time to relax', about your concerns that I'm always busy doing this and that, about my weird feeling that I always have to do something--even in the weekend or in holidays, about 'being present for other people.' I finally understand... after living life here in Wageningen.
Over skype, I've just talked about it with my best friend, Mariana.. and she comforted my soul by telling me that life loves me very much! Because life is teaching me all those things by giving me this test. The test itself may involve tears and sadness, but the learning process before the test are filled with laughters and happiness, but the learning process are filled with understanding and affection.
The test is coming soon... They say it is common to pass such test with an average mark, because it is usually hard for everyone. Tears and sadness if they may come, let it be for the day of the test. But, for now I want to continue learning, learning, and learning...
Thanks Mariana, Fenni, Astrid! 11 April 2010.
Until next post Sis!
It's been quite sometimes since my last writing to you.
Spring has arrived they say, flowers are blossoming and that beautiful Cherry Blossom (white, pink, pink-red) are here in Wageningen. I had a nice walk with Astrid this afternoon to the Forest of Wageningen and on the way back we took 2 branches and they are now in my room. Their beauty is helping me to go through this test of life...

I may unable to share it with you yet about this test of life. As time goes, I'm pretty sure I will be able to unpack it better.
A friend once reminded me Sis, 'What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger' and I suppose more or less it is in line with what we've been understanding from our religion 'You will not be tempted/tested beyond what you are able.' So, I will eventually pass this test and be a better Steisi.
I feel that already now, I understand more of life. I told Ma last time on the phone, that after 24 years, I finally understand what you all (Pa, Ma, Sis) have been trying to tell me about 'taking time to relax', about your concerns that I'm always busy doing this and that, about my weird feeling that I always have to do something--even in the weekend or in holidays, about 'being present for other people.' I finally understand... after living life here in Wageningen.
Over skype, I've just talked about it with my best friend, Mariana.. and she comforted my soul by telling me that life loves me very much! Because life is teaching me all those things by giving me this test. The test itself may involve tears and sadness, but the learning process before the test are filled with laughters and happiness, but the learning process are filled with understanding and affection.
The test is coming soon... They say it is common to pass such test with an average mark, because it is usually hard for everyone. Tears and sadness if they may come, let it be for the day of the test. But, for now I want to continue learning, learning, and learning...
Thanks Mariana, Fenni, Astrid! 11 April 2010.
Until next post Sis!
05 April 2010
Pieces #3: Breathing while Drowning
I went to Rotterdam and Delft today. It was worthwhile! Rotterdam took my breath away--the city is so full of surprises of architecture/art works! Fenni and I, we made this one liner for Rotterdam: "Tak Mau Sama (Say No to Same)."
All sort of buildings (city hall, apartment, train station, office building, museum, etc.) have their own distinguished architectural style that makes a bold statement! I say it's a heaven on earth for those passionate people on urban buildings architecture. Also, Rotterdam is a bustling city, the traffic in the big streets, reminded me a bit of Jakarta during the normal hours (not rush hour).
Delft, 15 minutes trip by train from Rotterdam, was a quiet city; probably because it was the second day of Paska and it's a national holiday! The small canals between houses/restaurants/shops reminded me a lot of Utrecht...
Well, let it be a short writing this time Sis! I'm a bit drowning with paper works and study stuff as well at the moment... I hope I can emerge and swim through these waves!
I went to Rotterdam and Delft today. It was worthwhile! Rotterdam took my breath away--the city is so full of surprises of architecture/art works! Fenni and I, we made this one liner for Rotterdam: "Tak Mau Sama (Say No to Same)."
All sort of buildings (city hall, apartment, train station, office building, museum, etc.) have their own distinguished architectural style that makes a bold statement! I say it's a heaven on earth for those passionate people on urban buildings architecture. Also, Rotterdam is a bustling city, the traffic in the big streets, reminded me a bit of Jakarta during the normal hours (not rush hour).
Delft, 15 minutes trip by train from Rotterdam, was a quiet city; probably because it was the second day of Paska and it's a national holiday! The small canals between houses/restaurants/shops reminded me a lot of Utrecht...
Well, let it be a short writing this time Sis! I'm a bit drowning with paper works and study stuff as well at the moment... I hope I can emerge and swim through these waves!
03 April 2010
Pieces #2: Nice Girl
It was a beautiful sunny day!! I went to Utrecht to join a Jumat Agung (Good Friday) ceremony in one of the Catholic Church there. I walked around the city center after the ceremony and before Toastmasters. This was my first time walking around the artistic city of Utrecht even though I go there every now and then to visit Bulang Utrecht or every 2 Fridays of the month for Utrecht Toastmasters evening. I really enjoyed it! The city is a lovely 3D picture of canals, small alleys, compact houses, churches, bicycles, people sitting or chatting under the sun!

Afterward, I sit in a snack bar nearby the Toastmasters venue in Nobelstraat, eating my dinner (lamshoarma and patat) and continued reading the "Winner Stands Alone" -- Paulo Coelho. The guy behind the counter who was also the 'chef' was nice and polite. He came from Afghanistan and has been struggling from day to day in the Netherlands for 9 years now! He speaks fluent Dutch and quite good English. I practiced a bit of Dutch with him.. :) He said Indonesia is a beautiful country, yet I was unable to make a good remark about Afghanistan... He also said that he is not thinking of going back to Afghanistan because his parents dislike him. Wow Sis! I was unable to think of any proper response to that remark and I just put a sympathetic smile on my face...
While I was reading, he came and said "You're a nice girl! You're reading. I like to see nice girl instead of bad ones..." He went on saying that he works on weekdays to get money and then spend the money to have fun and alcohols in the weekend. He said he doesn't read books and he was praising me because I was reading. Sis, the moment I heard 'nice girl', my mind went to those similar remarks I've received my entire life from people, especially men... hahahaha.. Well, you know these stuff Sis!
Well... I was thinking, probably I could find him a nice, simple, and short book and drop it by for him when I go to Utrecht Toastmasters next time.
Maybe a good idea rite Sis?!
Hope you're well! Till next post...
It was a beautiful sunny day!! I went to Utrecht to join a Jumat Agung (Good Friday) ceremony in one of the Catholic Church there. I walked around the city center after the ceremony and before Toastmasters. This was my first time walking around the artistic city of Utrecht even though I go there every now and then to visit Bulang Utrecht or every 2 Fridays of the month for Utrecht Toastmasters evening. I really enjoyed it! The city is a lovely 3D picture of canals, small alleys, compact houses, churches, bicycles, people sitting or chatting under the sun!
Afterward, I sit in a snack bar nearby the Toastmasters venue in Nobelstraat, eating my dinner (lamshoarma and patat) and continued reading the "Winner Stands Alone" -- Paulo Coelho. The guy behind the counter who was also the 'chef' was nice and polite. He came from Afghanistan and has been struggling from day to day in the Netherlands for 9 years now! He speaks fluent Dutch and quite good English. I practiced a bit of Dutch with him.. :) He said Indonesia is a beautiful country, yet I was unable to make a good remark about Afghanistan... He also said that he is not thinking of going back to Afghanistan because his parents dislike him. Wow Sis! I was unable to think of any proper response to that remark and I just put a sympathetic smile on my face...
While I was reading, he came and said "You're a nice girl! You're reading. I like to see nice girl instead of bad ones..." He went on saying that he works on weekdays to get money and then spend the money to have fun and alcohols in the weekend. He said he doesn't read books and he was praising me because I was reading. Sis, the moment I heard 'nice girl', my mind went to those similar remarks I've received my entire life from people, especially men... hahahaha.. Well, you know these stuff Sis!
Well... I was thinking, probably I could find him a nice, simple, and short book and drop it by for him when I go to Utrecht Toastmasters next time.
Maybe a good idea rite Sis?!
Hope you're well! Till next post...
02 April 2010
Pieces #1: Being Human and Frail
So you like the idea of Pieces Mission. Great! So, here we go...
I was supposed to write this down last night before falling asleep. But, was a bit swamped I guess.
I went to the Tropical Museum in Amsterdam for an Anthropology course that I'm taking this period. It was a group trip, with the lecturer and the class. It is quite a huge museum and the building was functioned as the VOC (yes, that 'known-as-cruel' abbreviation in our country) headquarter during the colonialism time. The assignment was to observe and reflect on the Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and North Africa-Middle East exhibitions. It was interesting to observe and analyze museum's exhibitions with my new 'eyeglasses' -- the critical perspective on every sentences and displays.. which means more work inside my brain, which means more and more grey-hair... hahaha...
Then, in the evening I went to the church here in Wageningen for the Kamis Putih or the Last Supper celebration mass. I went with Nokutula, my 'tough' friend from Zimbabwe. There were moments when I really missed you all--Pa, Ma, Sis. I remembered every Easter masses we always go to the church together--figuring out what time to depart from home to be able to get seats in the Cathedral Church or in Regina Pacis Hall.
Then we had some drinks in the bar in Wageningen Centrum. It's called Vlaamsche Reus, it's my class (and some lecturers) favorite meeting place. We usually go there after class on Friday evening, but we moved it to Thursday evening this time. We like this place because there's no loud music, so that we can really talk and have good and fun conversations! I remember just before leaving I made a remark that 'I am one of those girls who don't know what they want in life' ... and yes Sis, I still don't know for sure. I still envy those people who have a bold passion in life (like you and your photography world), who know where they want to go, what they believe in... everything is random with me at the moment, things are thin--not bold.
Well, but I am not in despair. I am still optimistic, like that proverb that goes: 'I still see the light at the end of the tunnel'
But, you know Sis, it was good to be able to say that to people: that I don't know what I want in life yet, that I still haven't found what I'm looking for... At the moment I am reading Paulo Coelho "The Winner Stands Alone" and I've reached the part where a character, a young lady at her 25 who just won a movie audition and will be playing a leading role--her life's dream! She's in the final stage of an interview and the producer (in a yacht) asked her to tell them about herself. She dazzled him by saying the following:
'I'm just one of millions of people in the world who have always dreamed of being on a yacht like this, looking at the sea, and talking about the possibility of working with at least one of you gentlemen. And you both know that. I doubt there's anything else I might say that will change anything very much. .... ' And the story goes: She's glad to have had the guts to show that she's human and frail ... And more it goes: There's a disease called sleeping sickness and a similar disease can attack the soul. It's very dangerous because the early stages often go unnoticed. At the first sign of indifference or lack of enthusiasm, take note! The only preventive against this disease is the realization that the soul suffers, suffers greatly, when we force it to live superficially. The soul loves all things beautiful and deep.
The I went back home and fell asleep... a good one :)
Till next one Sis!
So you like the idea of Pieces Mission. Great! So, here we go...
I was supposed to write this down last night before falling asleep. But, was a bit swamped I guess.
I went to the Tropical Museum in Amsterdam for an Anthropology course that I'm taking this period. It was a group trip, with the lecturer and the class. It is quite a huge museum and the building was functioned as the VOC (yes, that 'known-as-cruel' abbreviation in our country) headquarter during the colonialism time. The assignment was to observe and reflect on the Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and North Africa-Middle East exhibitions. It was interesting to observe and analyze museum's exhibitions with my new 'eyeglasses' -- the critical perspective on every sentences and displays.. which means more work inside my brain, which means more and more grey-hair... hahaha...
Then, in the evening I went to the church here in Wageningen for the Kamis Putih or the Last Supper celebration mass. I went with Nokutula, my 'tough' friend from Zimbabwe. There were moments when I really missed you all--Pa, Ma, Sis. I remembered every Easter masses we always go to the church together--figuring out what time to depart from home to be able to get seats in the Cathedral Church or in Regina Pacis Hall.
Then we had some drinks in the bar in Wageningen Centrum. It's called Vlaamsche Reus, it's my class (and some lecturers) favorite meeting place. We usually go there after class on Friday evening, but we moved it to Thursday evening this time. We like this place because there's no loud music, so that we can really talk and have good and fun conversations! I remember just before leaving I made a remark that 'I am one of those girls who don't know what they want in life' ... and yes Sis, I still don't know for sure. I still envy those people who have a bold passion in life (like you and your photography world), who know where they want to go, what they believe in... everything is random with me at the moment, things are thin--not bold.
Well, but I am not in despair. I am still optimistic, like that proverb that goes: 'I still see the light at the end of the tunnel'
But, you know Sis, it was good to be able to say that to people: that I don't know what I want in life yet, that I still haven't found what I'm looking for... At the moment I am reading Paulo Coelho "The Winner Stands Alone" and I've reached the part where a character, a young lady at her 25 who just won a movie audition and will be playing a leading role--her life's dream! She's in the final stage of an interview and the producer (in a yacht) asked her to tell them about herself. She dazzled him by saying the following:
'I'm just one of millions of people in the world who have always dreamed of being on a yacht like this, looking at the sea, and talking about the possibility of working with at least one of you gentlemen. And you both know that. I doubt there's anything else I might say that will change anything very much. .... ' And the story goes: She's glad to have had the guts to show that she's human and frail ... And more it goes: There's a disease called sleeping sickness and a similar disease can attack the soul. It's very dangerous because the early stages often go unnoticed. At the first sign of indifference or lack of enthusiasm, take note! The only preventive against this disease is the realization that the soul suffers, suffers greatly, when we force it to live superficially. The soul loves all things beautiful and deep.
The I went back home and fell asleep... a good one :)
Till next one Sis!
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