28 October 2009

Why So Sad?

Why so sad?
Look at the beauty of life

That pinkish 'beauty of life' was taken 8 minutes ago from my window.

Well... it's simplifying the complex problems of the world by simply saying: "look at the beauty of life" But... it's nice for everyone to have the ability to cheer his/herself and be happy in this life!

What makes you happy?


mileiva said...

haha, this is weird. i'm going to comment on my own posting... but, i was so sad after the TAD exam today. but then, i remembered my own posting about being sad and now i'm feeling better... well, it's good to know that you have written down something and it's out there and you would like to practice what you preech :)


Berly said...

Keep smiling.
Tad is not that bad....and you have done so many good things in life