23 March 2008

Listen ** Mask

November 14, 2007

It is not easy to lower one’s ego, to listen more than to argue/talk. I need to practice that more: listen patiently, digest timely, and comment efficiently! Sometimes, my negative thoughts are that seniors don’t consider juniors opinion. But, I know that is not true. Even if it is true, then juniors need to upgrade their quality so that seniors will listen.

** Break **

Again, I saw my reflection smiling during the credit title. I watched “I’m Reed Fish.” It has a unique plot! It is a kind of movie that makes you want to repeat or get back to certain scenes after the movie ends. This is a story about taking the mask off and living your life. The life that you really want, life where you really living your passion! Reed Fish is living a lovely, well-organized life, until the return of his high-school girl friend, Jill. She interrupts the pattern and Reed understands himself better. There are times when I too wear mask and keep changing masks, too afraid to take them off.

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