08 December 2008

Misteri yang Tak Terpecahkan

Saya suka Sherlock Holmes. Suka kejelian pengamatannya dan kelihaiannya menjahit berbagai potongan-potongan fakta, pola, dan logika menjadi suatu kebenaran.

Saya juga suka saat-saat dimana saya membaca (apa saja: novel, blog, lirik lagu, puisi, status facebook, dll.) dan menggumamkan "waaaaahhh..." dengan mata berbinar-binar seraya kembali mengulang-ulang membaca beberapa kalimat tertentu dalam bacaan tersebut.

Saya beruntung. Kedua hal itu ada di karya Mitch Cullin: "Misteri yang Tak Terpecahkan". Edisi Bahasa Inggrisnya: "A Slight Trick of The Mind"

Berikut kalimat-kalimat yang cukup mempesona bagi saya:

"Tampaknya, kadang-kadang berbagai hal terjadi di luar pemahaman kita, dan yang merupakan realitas tak adilnya adalah bahwa kejadian-kejadian itu, yang sangat tak logis bagi kita, tidak memiliki alasan apa pun yang bisa kita lekatkan padanya, dan itulah gagasan tersulit yang harus kita hadapi dalam hidup ini."

Di atas, adalah jawaban Sherlock atas pertanyaan: "Kenapa dia meninggal Tuan? saya harus tahu alasannya!"

Di bawah, refleksinya mengenai kematian bunuh diri seorang wanita pujaannya:

Dia, untuk alasan yang tidak diketahui, sekadar menarik diri dari problematika manusia dan berhenti mengada. Apakah dunia ini terlalu indah sekaligus terlalu mengerikan bagi segelintir jiwa yang peka, dan apakah kesadaran akan dualitas yang berlawanan ini tak memberi banyak pilihan pada mereka selain untuk mengundurkan diri atas kemauan sendiri?

Novel ditutup dengan suatu uraian miris mengenai rasa kesepian Sherlock di hari tuanya:

...dan apakah ada bedanya jika, pada akhirnya, segala sesuatu akan hilang, berakhir, atau apakah ada bedanya jika tak ada alasan, atau pola, atau logika dasar bagi semua yang telah berlangsung di bumi? Karena perempuan itu telah tiada, tetapi aku masih ada. Tak pernah aku merasakan kehampaan yang sedemikian tak terperi di dalam diriku, dan pada saat itu, kala tubuhku bergerak dari bangku, aku mulai memahami betapa sendirinya aku di dunia ini.

Dan begitulah saya menggumamkan "waaaaahhh..." dengan mata berbinar-binar seraya kembali mengulang-ulang membaca beberapa kalimat dalam Misteri yang Tak Terpecahkan.

Berbahagialah kita untuk keberadaan kita yang tidak sendiri. Untuk keluarga, teman-teman, dan orang-orang yang bisa kita hampiri saat menghadapi kepahitan hidup dan tak ada alasan yang bisa dilekatkan, saat perlu bertanya mengenai: "Apakah dunia ini terlalu indah sekaligus terlalu mengerikan?", saat serta-merta ingin menarik diri dari problematika dan berhenti mengada.

Untuk boleh merasakan kehampaan dan kesendirian, tetapi hanya mencicip, karena demikianlah sebaiknya, hanya mencicip.

Teriring pujian untuk Rika Iffati Farihah dan Emi Kusmiati, penerjemah dan penyelaras aksara untuk novel tersebut yang berhasil mempertahankan keindahan uraian Cullin.

27 November 2008

Blogging for Youthink! Website

All readers, here is an opportunity for all YOUTH who like to write or looking for reasons to start writing :)


Tell the World How to Change

Are you passionate about development? Do you have opinions on how to make the world a better place? Want the world to hear you? Now's your chance!

Youthink! is launching a blog
. The goal is to create a social platform for youth discussion around development topics such as how to end poverty and disease among the world's poorest people, and meet the other Millennium Development Goals.

How to Become a Youthink! Blogger?
If you're interested and wired on global issues, and aged between 16–25, then please submit a writing sample of 500 words or less to the Youthink! Editor at youthink@worldbank.org by December 15, 2008. Selected bloggers will be notified by January 7, 2009, at which time they will be asked to submit a CV and 2 recommendations.

We are looking for writing that is lively and engaging, that both informs and entertains. Good use of multimedia is a big plus. Please refer to the guidelines below for some tips, and also mention any existing Web presence/blogs you might already have.

Compensation: Unpaid. This is an opportunity to get your voice heard by thousands of people around the world, share ideas, and find solutions for making the world a better place.

Dates: January 20, 2009–April 20, 2009

26 November 2008

HEROES vs Dilbert

In HEROES season #1 (not sure episode #1 or #2), there's a scene where Hiro 'travel' to New York City and found a comic book about him. EXACTLY describing detail things he did last night in Japan.

This week I made a cheerful start. Almost like Hiro, I found a comic piece about my work in the office :)

24 November 2008

His Cellphone Number?

Once upon a time in a brain of a confused young lady 'A'...

A : Hi B!

B : What's up now?

A : Can you give me God's cellphone number?
A : I really need to talk with Him.
A : Or, if he's busy...I can text Him.

B : Why do want to bother Him?

A : It's about life and all its mysteries.
A : I need to consult some stuff with Him.
A : I need to check whether I am at the right part of the puzzle, coz it doesn't feel like the perfect fit.

B : You think He has the answers?

A : Definitely! So, do you have His number?

B : ...

A group of friends have helped 'A' in looking up for the cellphone number. This is their first findings:

-on their way to ex mall for bee bim bap festive-

Any other luck friends?? :)

20 November 2008

I Haven't Found Myself

This evening I had a good chat. Thanks to the advancement of communication technology, wide oceans are near enough.

x : so... are u happy?
x : have you found yourself?

y : well...that's why i have decided to live out of indo
y : I am happy here x
y : I am happy here in europe, i found myself and i can live my life.

x : that's what matters!

I haven't found myself and I'm looking for it. It's like doing a 'solo' treasure hunt. Clues are scattered, riddles are not easy, battle zones are challenging, yet the teammate is somewhere out there...

Let me know if you hold the next clue! :)

12 November 2008

Remember the Vows?

In the Name of God, I take you, to be my wife/husband,
To have and to hold from this day forward,
For better for worse,
For richer for poorer,
In sickness and in health,
To love and to cherish,
Until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow.

Saya berjanji setia kepadamu dalam suka dan duka, di waktu sehat maupun sakit, dalam untung dan malang. Saya mau mencintai dan menghormati engkau seumur hidup saya sampai maut memisahkan kita.

This afternoon in the office, a colleague's act reminded me of that vows. He was searching information about dengue fever's medication. Today is his wife’s second day of dengue fever. Angkak. Able to boost the amount of thrombocytes rapidly.
"HERO supermarket has it!" And off he goes. The vows live within him...

Picture is taken from kamusdapurku.blogspot.com/2008/04/angkak.html

21 October 2008

Living The Dream

Today I lived my dreams for 20 minutes. A fascinating 20 minutes at Bulungan's busy street in South Jakarta. Yes, I was a news reporter!! With medium striking heat of 10.15 – 10.35 am; continuous pollution from motorbikes, cars and buses; but with the 'top note flavor' of bliss… *yay*

We made a news report about Indonesia as a confident Middle Income Country (MIC) and also about the new Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) of the World Bank Indonesia. Ha3x… those terms may not make sense to most of you, that’s because the reporting was meant to be showcased during Human Development Sector annual event in World Bank Headquarter (Washington DC.) in early November.

"Thanks Edwin, you've made someone's dream came true today" that was my goodbye line as Edwin Pierolie, Managing Director of 'klirkom' communication agency, dropped me back to reality (office) with his motorbike.

Wednesday couldn't have been better! Back in the office, I found out that Berly Martawardaya, a-can-do-wannabe, is also re-living his dream. He has successfully brought life (again) to his simple but substantial dream: carving his name in the newspaper. His article on the current financial crisis made an entry to the Jakarta Post. "Way the go Berly!! Looking forward to seeing more carving of your names both at the bottom/top of the article and within the article"

So, are you living your dream(s)?

16 October 2008


Suatu sore mendung di salah satu gedung pencakar langit kebanggan kota Jakarta… Kuning itu menyala...

X: gima na sih cara ny
X: ngapus
X: friend
X: kay lo apus gw

Y: ?

Cukup mengejutkan dan 4 baris itu cukup membuatku membalik-balik halaman novel misteri hidupku untuk mencari 2 halaman berbeda saat kisah itu dituliskan...

-thanks to X di sore itu, siapapun engkau dan bagaimanapun kita saling mengenal-

08 October 2008

Sharing Paulo Coelho: Story of the Pencil

This lovely piece is taken from "Like the Flowing River" by Paulo Coelho (author of the Alchemist). It is shared because I highly believe in its relevance!

I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.

First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.

Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrow, because they will make you a better person.

Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

Finally, the pencil's fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

Thanks to http://www.eikongraphia.com/wordpress/wp-content/Pencil%20on%20pad%20of%20paper.jpg for the pencil picture.

07 October 2008

Knowledge®-branded Eyeglasses

My eyes are fine. Unfortunately, fine is not enough to value the above scene. A colleague, Indra Irnawan, was the one who wears the knowledge®-branded eyeglasses.

It was at the foot of Salak Mountain, Sukabumi-West Java. I went there with a group of 'very-fun-to-be-with' people. They are my 'we-fight-poverty-with-passion-and-professionalism' colleagues, the 'love-of-my-life' of my colleagues and a team of ‘trip consultant-assistant-cook’ from Sunburst Adventurindo. (www.sunburstadventure.com).

I took the above scene during my early-morning walk. At that time, my eyes were merely interested to capture the morning sunlight and the huge stone. My eyes weren’t wearing a pair of knowledge®-branded eyeglasses. I wasn't aware that the huge stone, the tall tree at its right side and the small stone under the tree altogether are a symbol… Yes, Scout! (in Bahasa Indonesia: Pramuka).

06 October 2008

Smart People

I spent a quarter of October 2 (2nd day of Idul Fitri) by watching movies.

There's an interesting line in the cover page of Smart People DVD: 'Sometimes the smartest people have the most to learn.'

The movie elaborates on people who are smart in hard skills (academic), but not getting good grades in soft skills (interpersonal relationship). Ellen Page smoothly played a friendless-overachiever high school student… Brilliant! No wonder she was titled Best Actress in MTV Movie Awards 2008 for her 'fresh' act in Juno.

In real life, we are all smart people. Smart in certain things and less smart in something else. Since we are smart we would like to learn about that something else wouldn't we?

In these pictures you can see some of (young) Smart People in my workplace, the 'we-fight-poverty-with-passion-and-professionalism' office. Each one of them helps me to learn my something else in various ways; through conversation, a helping hand or simply by being there in the office and sending the message that… it's possible!

People in the pics: Ari Perdana, Daniel Suryadarma, Rima Prama Artha, Berly Martawardaya, Siwage Dharma Negara ... thank you all!!

04 October 2008

Setelah 6 Tahun

Berbeda dengan jam di monumen Big Ben di Inggris (kiri), Jam Gadang (kanan) di Sumatera Barat-Indonesia menggunakan IIII untuk menyatakan angka 4-nya.

Masih sering mendengar ucapan-ucapan seperti ini? "Kalian duluan deh, nanti tungguin di lobi ya, aku beresin tas dulu…" "Jangan terburu-buru, pacarmu pasti mau menunggu…" "Bentar ya Ma, masih ditelepon nih…" Jika Kalian, Pacarmu, dan Ma digantikan oleh Sang WAKTU, jawabannya adalah tidak.

Tidak, sang waktu tidak menunggu. Dia akan terus maju, meskipun kita memohonnya untuk diam menunggu ataupun mundur kembali ke masa lalu. Dia akan terus maju, tidak peduli kita sedang malas atau rajin, gagal atau berhasil, sedih ataupun bahagia.

Dia sudah maju sebanyak 6 tahun. Enam tahun sejak kami lulus dari SMA Regina Pacis Bogor. Waktu yang cukup panjang. Cukup bagi anak kelas 1 SD untuk pindah ke jenjang sekolah menengah. Lalu, apakah kami sudah berpindah jenjang? Sudah dimanakah kami sekarang?

Sabtu pagi 13 September itu tiba dan setelah 6 tahun kami kembali bermain basket di GOR Pajajaran Bogor. Waktu memang tidak menunggu, hanya maju, tidak mundur, dan 6 tahun waktu yang cukup panjang. Namun, di Sabtu pagi itu, saat kami mengoper bola, berusaha memasukkan bola ke dalam ring, bercanda tawa, dan saling menatap… 6 tahun terasa seperti 6 hari yang lalu…

"untuk Yanto (high flying '83), untuk janji mengabadikan Kisah Perbasketan I kita, dan untuk basket"

18 September 2008

Pulang Bertiga

Wanita hamil (besar) itu melangkah pasti menuju sang pria. Saling pandang sejenak, lalu diberikannya barang bawaannya kepada sang pria. Dipakainya jaket penutup tubuh, sapu tangan penutup hidung dan mulut. Disempatkannya merapikan rambut sejenak sebelum memakai helm pelindung kepala itu. Lalu, dilangkahkannya kakinya untuk duduk di belakang sang pria.

Sebagai orang yang tidak bisa mengendarai sepeda motor dan jarang menggunakan jasa ojek untuk jarak jauh, saya sangat khawatir melihat uraian di atas. Dengan motor, serasa tubuh kitalah yang melaju di jalan raya. Berbeda dengan naik kereta atau mobil, tubuh kita berada di suatu ruang tertutup yang melaju di jalan raya. Jika terjadi tabrakan, kulit tubuh kita yang bergesekan dengan jalan raya bukan ‘kulit’ mobil kita.

Ilustrasi di atas didukung oleh sebuah artikel di berita online AntaraNews. Pada tahun 2007, dari 3,522 kasus kecelakaan di jalan raya Jakarta, sebanyak 88% melibatkan sepeda motor dengan 719 korban tewas, 1,703 luka berat dan 2,454 luka ringan. Itu hanyalah yang tercatat…

Di sisi lain, menggunakan sepeda motor sangat membantu dalam melintasi jalanan Jakarta yang seringkali macet. Sepeda motor telah menjadi pahlawan bagi banyak orang dalam perjuangan pulang-pergi ke tempat kerja, berbisnis jual beli barang/jasa, mengantar pulang wanita pujaan hati, dan mudik ke kampung halaman saat Lebaran. Beberapa kalangan juga menganggap ‘pahlawan’ yang satu ini tidak sulit digapai; kredit dibuka pada harga 5 lembar uang seratus ribu rupiah. Tidak heran jutaan unit hilir mudik di kota Jakarta saja.

Arus pulang (kerja) di hari Jumat malam adalah yang paling deras. Malam itu, 29 Agustus 2008 bahkan lebih deras lagi, Jumat terakhir sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan. Jumat malam itu, pasrah menanti bus Jakarta-Bogor ‘Danau Bogor Raya’ yang terlambat lebih dari 40 menit, kami bertiga (saya, Devi, dan Hendi) menyaksikan mereka bertiga (wanita hamil, sang pria, dan sang calon anak) melaju menjauhi perhentian sepeda motor di depan gedung Sampoerna Strategic , Jakarta Pusat.

07 September 2008

Tidak Bisa Baca

Saya heran. Tissue masih saja dibuang di Closet (untunglah saya belum pernah melihat Pembalut di closet). Padahal tulisan itu sudah tertempel di setiap bilik toilet di kantor.

Ketidakpedulian yang sangat besar. Begitulah yang umumnya terjadi pada sarana-sarana publik. Atau.... Ataukah karena tulisan itu tertulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia?

Pekerja di kantor ini multi-bangsa dan kemungkinan mereka tidak bisa baca (tulisan itu). Jika mereka mengerti Bahasa Inggris, maka yang dipahami hanya Tissue dan Closet. Mungkin karena itulah saya masih menemukan Tissue di Closet :)

------In English (untuk menghindari ketidak-bisaan baca)------


I am disappointed. I still find waste Tissue in the Closet. Gladly, I haven't found Sanitary Napkin in the closet. Whereas, that writings have been patched in every single toilet door in the office.

Such a huge ignorance. That's what usually happens to public facilities. Or.... Or is it because that writings is in Bahasa Indonesia?

Employees in this office are coming from various countries and most probably they can't read (that writings). If they understand English, then they can only read Tissue and Closet. Maybe that's why I still find Tissue in the Closet :)

01 September 2008

Ruang Neni Lestari

Kala aku bercerita tentang tempat kerjaku, Bank Dunia, aku tak lupa mengatakan ada seorang sahabat bernama Mba Neni. Ada juga tim nonton bareng dan duduk bareng (di masa-masa awal yang penuh perjuangan itu)--Aku, Mba Neni, dan Mas Mul (Mulyadi Subali).

Mas Mul pun menjadi penasehat dan 'dokter' IT aku dan Mba Neni, Mas Mul-lah yang berulang kali menyelamatkan laptop kami, terjemahan bahasa inggris kami, dan memeriahkan kebersamaan kami dengan candanya yang tak pernah kering.

Salah satu kesamaan aku dan Mba Neni adalah ragu untuk mulai menulis (apakah Mas Mul juga?). Ruang ini dipersembahkan untuk Mba Neni. Monggo mba, tuangkanlah berbagai hal yang kau lihat dari 'kacamatamu'.... How's your day??


04 August 2008

Great Youth Quote

Found this impressive quote from wikipedia, when googling the FUNtastic word: Youth.

"This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease." - Robert Kennedy

For me, being youth myself, youth is an energy I want to preserve. I wish there's no expiration date for it.

What's your say?

29 July 2008

Ukuran Maksimal

I missed my 8pm Yoga class for something priceless.

Doors are like opportunities. Understand yourself before opening, Equip yourself before entering.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

X (7:29 PM): huaaaaaaaaaaa... kenapa ya akhir2 ini aku ngrasa looser bgt

Y (7:31 PM): hah?

X (7:32 PM): bnyk hal2 yg gk bisa aku akhiri, pdhl udah aku mulai
X (7:33 PM): dan orang2 spertinya tdk bs mnerima sgala masalah yg jadi hambatanku. yg mereka percaya adalah "X itu bisa"
X (7:33 PM): kenyataannya gk selalu sperti itu

Y (7:39 PM): bertahan dan berjuang.
Y (7:40 PM): saat sdh maksimal. ikhlaskan. biarkan Tuhan yg bertindak selanjutnya.

X (7:40 PM): kalau ternyata memang tdk maksimal???
X (7:41 PM): karena aku pernah berpikir bahwa itu bukan prioritas ku lagi, sehingga aku akhiri disaat belum harus berakhir. karena aku sudah melihat tidak akan ada yg aku dapt
X (7:41 PM): tp trnyata orang2 tdk bs melihat itu

Y (7:42 PM): good point.
Y (7:42 PM): memang itu yg umumnya jd masalah.
Y (7:42 PM): ukuran maksimal kita biasanya berbeda dng ukuran org lain
Y (7:43 PM): dan hanya orang2 terdekat/sahabat kita yg bs mengerti ukuran maksimal kita
Y (7:43 PM): tapi sgt penting utk JUJUR dng definisi ukuran maksimal kita itu.
Y (7:44 PM): keep in mind: kita ga bisa buat SEMUA orang senang/puas dng upaya kita.
Y (7:45 PM): pertanyaannya: apakah kita, apakah kamu siap menghadapi kekecewaan beberapa orang itu?
Y (7:45 PM): jika jawabannya Ya, Move On.
Y (7:45 PM): jika Tidak, bertahan dan berjuang.

X (7:46 PM): ...
X (7:46 PM): thanks Y
X (7:47 PM): aku kira aku dapatkan apa yang telah gagal aku lakukan
X (7:47 PM): yaitu JUJUR tentang ukuran maksimal
X (7:47 PM): selama ini aku membohongi orang2
X (7:48 PM): mereka gak pernah tau ukuran maksimal ku... sehingga mereka berharap banyak dari apa yg sebenarnya bisa ku lakukan

Y (7:52 PM): yup, memang tdk mudah. i experienced that too
Y (7:52 PM): X, bolehkah chat kita ini ku-post di blog ku? may be useful for others...
Y (7:52 PM): anonim

X (7:53 PM): okay
X (7:53 PM): it's really great
X (7:53 PM): thanx for your help. there are still many things that i have to do
X (7:57 PM): i need to log off
X (7:57 PM): cu

Y (7:57 PM): gbu!

X (7:57 PM): GBU
X (7:57 PM): once again really thanx
X (7:57 PM): better now

Y (7:58 PM): pay it forward!

X is offline. (7:59 PM) You can send X an email

02 July 2008

I Love My Life, Do You Love Yours?

I love my life, for being able to…

Put eyeliner in my eyelid, even though I rarely make it balance between both eyelids;
Hop in to F 1546 BH every Monday morning and Friday evening, and easily be myself;
Walk out of the elevator at 13th floor, greet the security officers, take a clean glass, type in my password and start my ‘enjoyable’ work day;
Close various windows, log off, turn off the monitor and leave the office early (my definition of early) for Pilates, Yoga, Basketball, or Movie Trip;
Wake up early, realize that it’s a weekend and simply close my eyes a few hours more.

I love my life, for having others…

Sounds from my E51 and office phone;
Sounds and blinks from my YM and lotus notes sametime;
Black and bold phrases in my yahoo account;
Red phrases and pink highlights in my lotus notes inbox;
Tap in my shoulder and face to face conversation.

I love my life, for experiencing the *AHA* moments…

A bad haircut and realizing that a sweet sincere smile is the best ‘waterproof make up;’
Failing interviews and seeing my weakness in structuring my thoughts and words;
Stroked by a beautiful sentence “happiness is only real when shared” in the movie “Into the Wild;”
Working in a situation where youth energy infects the non-youth and non-youth wisdom transmits to the youth;
Bargaining God’s answer to my prayers and recognizing the petite heart in me.

I love my life and its temporariness (like my contract, my outer beauty, my weariness and past relationships). Temporary is the new philosophy. Temporary allows the flow. Quoting a parting email from an Italian friend “As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus used to say more than 2,500 years ago panta rei, everything flows.”

16 June 2008

Help Make Poverty History: Petition for G8

Dear readers,

I am completely aware that signing a petition does not directly making poverty history. But, it is one way to spread out the words, make more people aware, and inspire some to take further actions.

I just signed a petition asking the G8 take urgent action against extreme poverty, and I'm hoping that you'll join me. Sign the petition now at: http://www.one.org/international/g8

There has been a lot of progress against extreme poverty in recent years, but, as recent headlines about the global food crisis and natural disasters like Cyclone Nargis in Burma will tell you, there is still much to be done. When we unite with one voice and call upon our leaders to take action, we can and will solve these problems.


06 June 2008

Speak to Us of ...

Thanks to my boss (Pawan G. Patil), I experienced Kahlil Gibran "The Prophet." A mysterious black book, with a dozen of reproduced illustrations from original drawings by KG himself, and using Pierre Simon Fournier's type design.

KG once said: "I think I've never been without The Prophet since I first conceived the book back in Mount Lebanon. It seems to have been a part of me....I kept the manuscript four years before I delivered it over to my publisher because I wanted to be sure, I wanted to be sure, that every word of it was the very best I had to offer."

You made it KG! I am moved by your words and here are some of my favorites:

Much have we loved you. But speechless was our love,
And with veils has it been veiled.
Yet now it cries aloud unto you,
And would stand revealed before you.
And ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

*so true. I experienced that two times in a row….*

Speak to us of Love
For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. All these things shall love do unto you, that you may know the secrets of your heart. To be wounded by your own understanding of love; and to bleed willingly and joyfully.

*been in that sort of scheme as well, indeed bleeding, indeed joyfully…*

Speak to us of Marriage
Let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another, but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone. And stand together yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.

*not yet there. But sounds like a good recipe. Heard similar stuff from some senior colleagues…*

Speak to us of Children
Give them your love, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies, but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

*hope more parents understand that….*

Speak to us of Work
Work is love made visible and if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.

*is it love that I’m feeling now towards my work?*

Speak to us of Clothes
Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful.

*totally agree…*

Speak to us of Beauty
It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear. But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.


Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. You are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy. Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.


Speak to us of Pain
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Much of your pain is self-chosen. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy.

*need to train that: keeping my heart in wonder at the daily miracles…*

Speak to us of Good and Evil
You are good when you strive to give of yourself, yet you are not evil when you seek gain for yourself. You are good when you walk to your goal firmly and with bold steps, yet you are not evil when you go thither limping; even those who limp go not backward.

*pride and prejudice…*

Speak to us of Teaching
A teacher does not bud you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind. The musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all space, but he cannot five you the ear which arrests the rhythm nor the voice that echoes it. For the vision of one man lends not its wings to another man.

*if one does it right, this is a very noble work!”

Speak to us of Talking
You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts. There are those who talk and without knowledge or forethought reveal a truth which they themselves do not understand and there are those who have the truth within them but they feel it not in words.

*rite, should be more thoughtful bout my talks…*

Speak to us of Time
You would measure time the measureless, the immeasurable. Let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing.

*practice, practice, practice…*

Speak to us of Death
You would know the secret of death but how shall you find it unless you seek it in the heart of life?


21 April 2008

It Came Over Me in a 'Rush'

I imagine what if a person was given a chance to live his or her life till the end and then experience it again for the second time. In short he or she is being rebirth.

Would he make use his time better without unnecessary juvenile delinquency, drugs, and hours of laziness after experiencing that time is the one thing that is constantly moving forward no matter which direction he goes?

Would she avoid ignorance and instead pour out love to her mother after experiencing being a mother herself: carrying a child in her womb for nine months, restraining the pain of giving birth, devoting every single minutes of her life in rising up and educating the child of her own?

I imagine what if a person was given a chance to live his or her life till the end and then experience it again for the second time.

Would he be desperate and decide to end his life as soon as possible after experiencing that he will only be a scavenger, a criminal, a broken home victim?

Would she be loony and break every single rules and limitations after experiencing a short life, being killed in an arrogant civil war?

I imagine whether the above imagination is the truth in the context of our life in this world; that we are currently living our second life. But, it just takes really hard for us to remember our first life.

Based on that assumption, there is a need to frequently isolate ourselves from the rush. Trying hard to remember the whole sketch of our previous live and identify the false lines. And even though we are not successful in doing so, we will still be cautious in making upcoming decisions, words, and actions.

… and there comes a person’s best friend: EGO ...

Thanks to the conversation in F 1546 BH, my rush, and my sister!

23 March 2008

F 1546 BH

Satu lagi kisah semarak yang terjadi di ‘keranjang jeruk’ (Avanza hitam, F 1546 BH). Sebuah percakapan ringan yang mengundang riuh tawa.

Seseorang di kursi paling belakang (antara Hendi ‘sunkist’ atau Devi) menggunakan minyak kayu putih. Dapat disimpulkan, seseorang sedang merasa tidak enak badan. Beberapa saat kemudian, aroma minyak kayu putih tersebut mulai terasa di kursi tengah dan depan.

Diskusi awal dari kursi depan: “Siapa yang pakai minyak kayu putih? Jadi ingat tanaman obat-obatan yang ditanam di pekarangan, kayak apotek hidup.”

Luna: ”Apotik atau Apotek?”
Intan: ”Apotek”

Lokam: ”Hipotek atau Hipotik?”
Luna/Shella: ”Hipotik” (meski setelah di-cek, yang benar adalah Hipotek)

Nipis: ”Mie tek-tek bukan mie tik-tik”
Luna: “Kalau itu bisa dua-duanya, mie tik-tik juga kayaknya ada deh, masakan Sulawesi gitu.”
(setelah diingat-ingat lagi, bukan mie tik-tik, tapi mie titi...)

Lokam: ”Nah, kalau yang satu ini sudah pasti mesin ketik...bukan mesin ketek!”

Dan tawa pun meledak untuk kesekian kalinya di perjalanan malam itu. Malam rabu menjelang ’’long weekend” Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dan Wafat Yesus Kristus.

’Keranjang jeruk’, bagi Luna adalah suatu tempat yang sangat menyenangkan. Berbagai hal dapat dilontarkan, dikomentari, dan didiskusikan. Urusan kerjaan, urusan rumah, cinta, luka, Harry Potter, selimut tidur Shella, pernikahan lalu dan akan datang, sampai reksa dana, wayang, dan jumlah kabupaten di Indonesia. Perjalanan bogor-jakarta-bogor di pagi dan malam hari dilalui dengan celotehan-celotehan ringan maupun berat, canda, tawa, tetesan air mata, keluhan, dan terkadang cukup dengan diam.

Apapun itu, bagi Luna ... it really feels like home!

Dari Adikku

March 22, 2008

Hadiah tak terduga,
Dari adikku sang pujangga,
Di hari ulang tahunku yang ke-dua-puluh-tiga.

(untitled)-to my sist’

Mungkin gak sih tinggal di tepi laut bersma menikmati aliran angin pantai di bawah pohon kelapa dimana hanya ada gesekan pasit yang menghantam kedua telinga besar kita ini?

Sudah setiap malam alunan indah imaji itu menari di mimpi-mimpi kita
Berjuta harap semoga tak begini, jangan terjadi begitu


Sesak dan sesal atas pijakan rapuh dan pendeknya lengan untuk mencopet secuil gulali di atas pohon rimbun di hutan bernama ’dunia’
Tiada habis kata yang kita umpatkan dan injak-injak


Teriakan dan tonjokan
Kumpulan rasa dendam tak tentu yang tak pernah tersekolahkan
Semua tawa dan tangis kita yang sedikit bermelodi serupa
Bahkan kebencian kita akan satu sama lain pun berima tak beda


Jadi apalah yang tertutup?
Bahwa detik ini puisi gombal penuh bualan ini hanya tuk menutupi kemiskinan?

Tapi di balik kemiskinan kan tercongkel sepiring kreativitas
Diisi oleh segepok nasi putih super panas dengan ikan tongkol yang berserak saus asam manisnya
Dengan porsi sayur hijau yang terkesan pelit, ditemani gorengan tempe dan tahu
Tanpa sambal atau segala yang berlabel berpengawet


Karna cintaku tak mengenal best before
Karna cintaku will stay the same...

On ur 23rd birthday


Bersama dengan puisi itu, adikku juga memberi komik berwarna’spongebob’. Jangan bingung dulu, hadiah komik tersebut punya makna tersendiri karena judulnya adalah BEKERJA.

BEKERJA adalah nama program/proyek perluasan lapangan pekerjaan untuk pemuda penganggur di Indonesia. Program tersebut masih dalam tahap persiapan, dimana diskusi dan interaksi berlangsung antara Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Non Formal), Badan Perencanaan Nasional, dan Bank Dunia/World Bank. Aku tergabung dalam tim dari World Bank.

Sekitar akhir bulan Mei, aku dan adikku menyatukan kekuatan kreativitas kami dalam mencetuskan istilah BEKERJA tersebut. Dengan menggabungkan beberapa kreativitas lainnya, akhirnya BEKERJA adalah singkatan dari Better Employment Knowledge and Entrepreneurship to Revitalize Job Access for Indonesia’s Youth.

Thank You IAAS

November 18, 2007

I went to Cisarua, to a villa quite close to Taman Safari entrance gate. I came as alumni of International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences (IAAS) to take part in IAAS LC IPB Orientation Program (IOP). The journey was worthwhile.

It made me feel that my existence in this universe is useful for others. I motivated the juniors/new recruits through brief talk about the importance and benefit of having dreams, of making choices, and eating good food. I was thinking to make that as a career—motivating young people to maximize their potential. Looking back to my days during undergraduate study, it really was an epic story! Dreams, choices, and health were some critical ingredients that made the “this is me today” meal.

Listen ** Mask

November 14, 2007

It is not easy to lower one’s ego, to listen more than to argue/talk. I need to practice that more: listen patiently, digest timely, and comment efficiently! Sometimes, my negative thoughts are that seniors don’t consider juniors opinion. But, I know that is not true. Even if it is true, then juniors need to upgrade their quality so that seniors will listen.

** Break **

Again, I saw my reflection smiling during the credit title. I watched “I’m Reed Fish.” It has a unique plot! It is a kind of movie that makes you want to repeat or get back to certain scenes after the movie ends. This is a story about taking the mask off and living your life. The life that you really want, life where you really living your passion! Reed Fish is living a lovely, well-organized life, until the return of his high-school girl friend, Jill. She interrupts the pattern and Reed understands himself better. There are times when I too wear mask and keep changing masks, too afraid to take them off.

It Is True

November 13, 2007

I’ve proven a theory in ‘The Alchemist’ (Paulo Coelho). When you really really want something and you are putting your best thought, optimism, and effort; the universe will collide and help you making it happens. It is true. It happened to me on several accomplishments.

Lately, I’ve been putting extra efforts to search someone through the amazing Google. Today, I found him. I saw his two-dimension shape, dated August 19, 2007. There he is: sitting, standing, smiling, listening, and living.

I shared the excitement to jeruk_nipis through YM. I wrote: “He has drawn the line. It’s quite a thick line. Only God has the authority to erase the line, yet he can always draw a new line.” Marvelously, jeruk_nipis motivated me: “You can draw a line from the exact place where you stand right to where he stands.” So I replied: “Let’s make sure that I use a permanent pen when that opportunity comes. Amen.”

Purpose-Driven Life

November 13, 2007

Purpose-Driven Life


Today on the Purpose-Driven® Life: To love is to spend the time with those you love. Being there, physically and spiritually.

Someone was trying to teach me that. He delivered the course nicely, made clear examples, welcomed questions, and assigned me with some useful paper works. However, sometimes I was chatting with my classmates during the course, other times I fell asleep, and frequently ‘copy-paste’ my friend’s paper works. I failed.

Now, I am repeating the course diligently, understanding it better, and missing my teacher...who now teaches in other school.


Today Purpose-Driven® Life asked “Who do you need to restore a broken relationship with?” The chapter was about restoring a broken fellowship, which I reflected more as restoring my broken relationship with him. It persuaded me to settle things up. Sometimes, I do think that I need to pay him a visit, go to Semarang and knock on his door. Then talk about the past and present. Probably in that scene, I’ll meet his new love or the door may never be opened and I go home weeping and feeling more depressed. Yet, the possibility of restoring the relationship exists as well. So, shall we book a ticket?


Huge thanks to Esther Pormes for guiding me to this inspiration.

Rp 166.697,00

August 3, 2007

Indonesia mengkonseptualisasikan kemiskinan sebagai ketidakmampuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasar pangan dan non pangan. Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) adalah lembaga yang menyediakan informasi jumlah dan persentase penduduk miskin di Indonesia secara makro. Penduduk miskin adalah penduduk yang berada di bawah garis kemiskinan.

Garis kemiskinan adalah nilai rupiah yang harus dikeluarkan seseorang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan minimum pangan dan non pangan (perumahan, kesehatan, pendidikan, transportasi, dsb.). Tahun 2007 ini, garis kemiskinan ditetapkan sebesar Rp 166.697,00/orang/bulan (seratus enam puluh enam ribu enam ratus sembilan puluh tujuh ribu rupiah per orang per bulan). Nilai rupiah tersebut bersifat nasional. Proses penentuannya melibatkan survey pengeluaran riil penduduk untuk mengakses komoditas dasar pangan dan non pangan, kemudian dilakukan perhitungan untuk mengeliminir faktor perbedaan harga dan pola konsumsi antar daerah pedesaan dan perkotaan, serta antar propinsi.

Berdasarkan garis kemiskinan Rp 166.697,00/orang/bulan tersebut, jumlah penduduk miskin adalah 37,17 juta orang atau 16,58% dari total penduduk (224,328 juta orang). Persentase penduduk miskin tersebut tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan persentase penduduk miskin negara lain karena metode perhitungan yang mungkin berbeda, tetapi dapat digunakan untuk melihat kinerja Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun dalam upaya penurunan angka kemiskinan.

WDR 2007: Pembangunan dan Generasi Mendatang

August 3, 2007

Hai para kaum muda, kaum yang pernah muda, ataupun yang peduli pada kehidupan kaum muda:

Setiap tahun Bank Dunia menerbitkan salah satu hasil penelitiannya dalam bentuk "World Development Report" (WDR). Setiap tahun, topiknya berganti dan untuk tahun 2007, kita sangat beruntung karena WDR memfokuskan pada Kaum Muda (Youth). WDR bertujuan untuk menjadi suatu referensi yang bersifat inspiratif bagi para pembuat kebijakan ataupun para agen perubahan. Konon, Bill Gates memutuskan untuk menginvestasikan hartanya pada bidang kesehatan karena dia membaca WDR 2003 yang menyoroti bidang kesehatan.

WDR 2007 mendefinisikan kaum muda berusia 12-24 tahun. Mengapa mengangkat topik kaum muda? Kaum muda adalah sosok penting dalam proses pembangunan, mereka penuh dengan energi dan kreatifitas. Mereka sedang mengalami transisi dalam hal pendidikan, kesehatan, masuk ke dunia kerja, berkeluarga, dan menjadi warga negara yang aktif. Dalam masa transisi tersebut, mereka rentan terhadap berbagai permasalahan kehidupan seperti putus sekolah, pengangguran, jerat narkotika, MBA (Married by Accident), terjun dalam dunia politik ekstrim, dsb. Oleh karena itulah merupakan tanggung jawab kita bersama untuk memastikan energi dan kreatifitas kaum muda tidak disalurkan ke jalur yang salah. Perlu adanya perluasan kesempatan, peningkatan kemampuan, dan kebijakan 'kesempatan kedua'.

Semua hal itu dibahas secara mendalam dalam WDR 2007. Semoga WDR 2007 dapat bermanfaat sebagai bahan diskusi ataupun referensi bagi para 'agent of change.'

3B: Bukan Bank Biasa

August 2, 2007

World Bank (WB) bukanlah Bank dalam arti umum. Tidak ada teller, ATM, ataupun penggunaan buku rekening. Kita tidak dapat menarik dan menabung uang di Bank yang satu ini. World Bank adalah organisasi internasional di bidang pembangunan (development) dan pada saat yang sama merupakan badan khusus PBB. Istilah Bank digunakan karena badan ini memberikan pinjaman uang kepada Pemerintah suatu negara untuk melaksanakan proyek pembangunan yang bertujuan untuk memberantas kemiskinan.

Pendekatan proyek/program bisa bervariasi, salah satunya dengan meningkatkan keterampilan kerja para pemuda penganggur sehingga kondisi ekonomi mereka bisa lebih baik karena mereka punya pekerjaan; yang nantinya bisa mengangkat mereka dari kemiskinan. Atau misalnya program revitalisasi perikanan/perbaikan terumbu karang, yang ujungnya akan bisa meningkatkan kesejahteraan para nelayan atau pembudidaya hasil laut yang terlibat; program pembangunan jalan raya di daerah pedesaan pelosok sehingga warga yang bercocok tanam atau beternak dapat lebih mudah mendistribusikan hasil panen mereka. Atau Kecamatan Development Program yang meningkatkan kapasitas kecamatan dalam melaksanakan suatu inisiatif lokal.

Uang yang dipinjamkan itu diperoleh WB dari iuran keanggotaan (Indonesia merupakan satu dari 185 negara di dunia yang menjadi anggota WB), investasi berpuluh tahun di pasar modal, dan juga dari bunga pinjaman. Bunga yang ditetapkan WB lebih rendah daripada bunga Bank-Bank komersial (BCA, Bank Mandiri, BNI, dll) di Indonesia, grace period lebih panjang, dan selalu diperkaya dengan bantuan teknis serta keilmuan.

Selain itu, WB dengan pengalaman mendunia sejak tahun 1944 juga terkenal dengan keahlian/keilmuan yang beragam. WB sering disebut sebagai lembaga penelitian terbesar di dunia untuk bidang sosial/pembangunan. Technical Assistance dari WB sudah banyak membantu menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi pemerintah suatu negara.

Namun, pro kontra terus dihadapi oleh WB, terutama mengenai pendekatannya yang dikatakan kurang sesuai dengan kondisi nyata suatu negara, sampai pinjaman-pinjamannya yang menjadikan negara (termasuk Indonesia) terbeban hutang bertahun-tahun lamanya.

Lebih jauh mengenai WB di Indonesia, kunjungi juga www.worldbank.org/id atau www.worldbank.org/indonesia yang menyediakan informasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Sekeping uang logam memiliki dua sisi, bunga mawar bermahkota indah namun berduri. Bagaimanakah memaksimalkan sisi positifnya?

Starting April 23, 2007

May 11, 2007

Early days: Adaptation knife was blunt, unable to cut the feeling of being a stranger.

Early weeks: Questions whether this is the right move or not came across on an hourly basis.

Joyful interest rate was going up and down. Passion was flowing around; sometimes it stopped by, sometimes it passed through. Every second, the face wears different masks as it met other faces. Words were arranged beautifully to avoid the war of the words which may shoot away the flowing passion. Brain engine upgraded, but the efficiency rate did not meet the optimum percentage. Enthusiasm coat was tightened to protect bones from the unexpected cold weather.

Entering the third week, a huge cold storm finds its way through an electronic mail. Better now than later…

Time is a best seller; many people hope to have more of it. The more it is on hand, the less one’s burden.

Dia, Ia, dan Berhenti

March 19, 2007

Dia bernama deo. Setidaknya begitulah Ia memanggilnya. Nama panggilan yang penuh makna, karena dalam bahasa Latin, deo berarti Tuhan. Dan begitulah Ia pernah merasakannya. Sosok deo mengawali kehadirannya pada Bab 5, bab yang mengisahkan kehidupan perkuliahan. Namun, tokoh ini termasuk istimewa karena meski tidak tertulis, kehadirannya akan terus ada sepanjang bab-bab berikutnya.

Pada awalnya, Ia mengenal sosok ini dari buku tahunan seorang teman kuliah. Kala melihat deo, Ia tahu ada sesuatu yang istimewa padanya, sorot mata yang terekam dalam gambar dua dimensi itu hendak mengatakan sesuatu. Demikianlah selanjutnya, Ia mengenal deo dari rangkaian kata-kata dalam layanan pesan singkat telepon seluler. Suatu bentuk komunikasi.......

Dan Ia kembali berhenti.

Kembali mengalihkan perhatian dan fokusnya pada hal lain. Hal ini kerap terjadi beberapa kali dan betapa ingin Ia menanggalkan sifat buruk ini. Namun, terkadang memang Ia tidak ingin menguraikannya, tidak ingin melihatnya dalam wujud kata-kata, kalimat demi kalimat. Ingin menyimpannnya dalam hati saja, sehingga semua hanya menjadi millik Ia.